All calls for Maker Faire Rome 2023 are open- The event - promoted and organised by the Rome Chamber of Commerce - will be held from 20 to 22 October at the Fiera di Roma and will address all the key components of innovation: from digital manufacturing to the Internet of Things, from robotics to artificial intelligence, from the circular economy to agritech, from digital manufacturing to e-sports via big data and aerospace, up to the latest discoveries of the metaverse and augmented reality. In addition, there will be dedicated Maker Art and Maker Music sections – much appreciated by the general public - that will explore the intersection between arts, music, science and technology. These sections represent the opportunity for visitors to discover how technology can support and stimulate creativity.
Here, in detail, are the Maker Faire Rome 2023 calls with objectives, recipients and methods of sending proposals and deadlines. Call for Makers – Deadline May 31 The "call" is aimed at makers, teams, micro, small and medium enterprises, startups and creatives from all over the world. Participating in the Call for Makers will give you the opportunity to submit your idea to the curators. Those selected will be given free use of a space – physical or digital – to display their innovative project or deliver a talk or presentation during Maker Faire Rome 2023. For further details and to view the complete regulations, go to: https://makerfairerome.eu/it/call-for-makers/ Call for Schools – Deadline 31 May
Call for Universities and Research Institutes – deadline 31 May
Maker Faire Rome has always shone a spotlight on excellence in technology and innovation, showcasing projects by state universities and public research institutes. And, again this year, MFR wants to give a platform to the work of universities and research centres by making, through this call, a selection of the best ideas that will be illustrated in a physical space within #MFR2023 (the bare area, whose set-up is borne by the exhibitor, will be provided free of charge while the 8-square-metre pre-fitted stand has a cost of 400 euros). For more details: https://makerfairerome.eu/it/call-for-universities-research-institutes.
Call for Big Bang Projects – deadline 21 April
The "Call for Big Bang Projects" is the opportunity for everyone, makers, artists and visionaries to build the new edition not only in content, but also in its most important attractions. In particular, applications will be opened for large projects, those with high interactivity and public involvement, installations/attractions of strong visual impact suitable to characterise the spaces of the event (pavilions, external routes, entrances and access areas, etc.), areas for interactive activities (runways, aviaries, stages, workshops, etc.), exhibitions and thematic insights. The deadline for this call is 21 April 2023. For more details: https://makerfairerome.eu/it/call-for-big-bang-projects.
"Maker Faire Rome – explains Lorenzo Tagliavanti, President of the Rome Chamber of Commerce – is an inclusive event, where technology is available to everyone, not only to the insiders. This spirit has accompanied us since the first edition and we have kept it intact over the years. The opening of the calls is always an exciting and important phase: we look forward to hundreds of ideas and projects that can change our lives for the better and contribute to the digital and sustainable transformation that is underway."
"Last year - says Luciano Mocci, President of Innova Camera, Special Company of the Rome CCIAA [Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture] – we crossed the 10-year milestone. Ten editions of Maker Faire Rome that have brought together people, ideas, opinions, knowledge and skills from all over the world, creating increasingly strong and indissoluble bonds thanks to the universal language of innovation. The 2023 edition will "collect" all that has been built to date".